Templeton Did Not Bring Boeing To South Carolina – Her TV Ad Should Be Pulled Off Air For Lying To Lowcountry Voters

Charleston, S.C. (May 15, 2024) – The Nancy Mace for Congress campaign is calling out another lie from Catherine Templeton today. Templeton has a new false and misleading ad that claims she’s the reason Boeing located manufacturing operations to South Carolina. The fact is Boeing announced its decision to locate its North Charleston facility in 2009, a full two years before the labor union dispute she cites.

Catherine Templeton has been caught in yet another lie with her baseless claim that she is solely responsible for Boeing’s decision to come to South Carolina.” said John Mason Long, campaign manager. “Templeton is fabricating her resume and record – once again. Her completely fabricated television ad should be pulled from the airwaves.”

Here are the facts:

“The Boeing investment and the thousands of jobs it created had nothing to do with Templeton’s involvement years later,” added Long.

Templeton’s actual record includes:

  • Putting children’s lives at risk during the tuberculosis outbreak when she ran DHEC
  • Firing 85% of state immigration officers when she was in charge of the LLR
  • Gutting South Carolina’s immigration enforcement by nearly $2 million dollars down to $250,000
  • Getting fired from the SC Port Authority after 3 weeks because her behavior was “detrimental” to the Port
  • Allowing a toxic waste dump be established near Lake Marion
  • Making SC taxpayers pay over $1 million to settle legal actions against Templeton since 2011

The Nancy Mace for Congress campaign urges voters to look at the facts and records of the candidates rather than accepting Templeton’s lies. 

Templeton did not bring Boeing to South Carolina nor did she bring Boeing jobs to South Carolina.

