Nancy is in the lead in a HUGE way! A new poll released just yesterday found Nancy is on track to win this Republican Primary OUTRIGHT!

“Nancy Mace is leading by 29 points with 42% of the vote. This not only makes her the overwhelming front-runner; it gives her some chance of avoiding a run-off entirely.”  -Club for Growth

It is time to unite. It is critically important we win back the Lowcountry in November.

In order to defeat Nancy’s pro-impeachment opponent, Joe Cunningham, we must support a candidate who can unite all of the Lowcountry together to WIN.

It will take a truly independent voice to do so and Nancy’s record proves that she is  not beholden to any one or any party, and that she has always put the Lowcountry First and stayed true to the fiscally conservative principles that so many of us believe in and want to see more of in Washington. Nancy has consistently held the line even when it meant going against the establishment or members of her own party.

Read the polling memo: HERE