Bringing everybody together is so important to me, which is why I’m particularly excited to announce this HUGE endorsement for our campaign to take back the Lowcountry — House Minority Whip Steve Scalise.

“I’m proud to endorse Nancy Mace for Congress,” said Scalise.

“Nancy is a hard worker who is battle-tested. If Republicans are going to take the House majority back this fall, we need candidates like Nancy who can take the fight to the Democrats and their fundraising machines,” said Whip Scalise. “SC-01 has a winner in Nancy Mace.”

In order to take back the majority, we must come together to defeat Joe Cunningham.

I’m running a campaign that’s bringing conservatives and Republicans together — to represent all of the Lowcountry.

People from all across the party, including the most fiscally conservative policy advocates like the Club for Growth, Sen. Rand Paul, Rep. Elise Stefanik, AND Republican leadership like Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Minority Whip Steve Scalise, are all uniting behind my campaign because they know no one will work harder than I will.

I grew up here, I’m raising my family here and I have the right experience to win. I will always put the Lowcountry FIRST.

It’s time to unite and get to work – for the Lowcountry!

I can’t thank you enough for your support.