Nancy Mace: Catherine Templeton is going to get her clock cleaned on Tuesday.

Charleston, S.C. – June 5, 2024 – Nancy Mace is calling out yet another lie by Catherine Templeton, as she continues to mislead South Carolina voters about the truth on her record and the truth about Mace’s record. 


“Catherine Templeton’s lies this morning are the desperate cries of a desperate campaign who knows they are going to get their clock cleaned on Tuesday,” said Congresswoman Nancy Mace. .”


The irony here is that Templeton abused her position in government to line her personal pockets with thousands of dollars in sole source contracts and cost taxpayers over $1 million in lawsuits over discrimination and wrongful terminations.


Since 2011, Templeton’s reckless approach in state government cost SC taxpayers over $1.2 million in settlements and an additional $86,500 in vague government consulting fees in sole-source contracts.


Templeton cost SC taxpayers over $1.2 million in legal fees and settlements in wrongful termination cases. Additionally, the day after she resigned from the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), she was given a taxpayer-funded consulting contract distributing $86,500 over a five month period. This is 28% more than she was paid during her tenure as director of DHEC. The $2 million taxpayer dollars wasted by Templeton paints a clear picture of wasteful spending and utter disregard for hard-earned taxpayer dollars. 


“Catherine Templeton is fiscal irresponsibility at its finest,” says Gabrielle Lipsky, spokesperson for the Nancy Mace campaign. “Templeton’s history of costly settlements and expensive, exclusive sole-source consulting contracts is a slap in the face to SC taxpayers. What’s even worse is she’s lying to Lowcountry voters about it.” 


As South Carolina voters prepare to go to the polls on Tuesday, Nancy Mace’s campaign emphasizes the need for transparency and fiscal responsibility in government. Mace is committed to calling out wasteful government spending, and has never voted to raise taxes. 


On top of that, Mace’s fiscally responsible and fiscally conservative record shows she’s returned hundreds of thousands of dollars back to taxpayers. She has never abused her position for personal gain. These are just simple facts. 


Read more about Templeton’s lies at



  1. The State: This GOP governor candidate’s ‘buzzsaw’ of state employees cost SC $1.2 million
  2. Post and Courier: Catherine Templeton received contract with South Carolina regulator after she left the agency

