Nancy Mace: Republicans Should Stop Going on ABC News Until George Stephanopoulos is Held Accountable

March 19, 2024 – CHARLESTON, S.C. – Congresswoman Nancy Mace issued the following statement in support of today’s news regarding President Trump’s defamation lawsuit against ABC after her contentious interview with George Stephanopoulos:

“Bob Iger needs to get control of ABC News. Actions like this are the reason Americans have lost trust in the press. ABC leadership should hold George Stephanopoulos accountable immediately for intentionally lying about Donald Trump during our interview – or pay a steep price for his actions. Republicans should also stop going on ABC News until Stephanopoulos is held accountable.

“The verdict in question was plain as day. The jury had the opportunity to find Trump liable for rape, and they chose not to.

“Partisan Democrats like George Stephanopoulos, who masquerade as the face of supposedly impartial news organizations, are the chief reason for the vast decline of Americans’ trust in the media. For far too long, Democrat partisans in the press have put politics over facts, and talking points over truth.

“Repairing the havoc and damage these partisan actors have caused to our public discourse will require a serious effort by news organizations to hold themselves accountable for their actions. They have an opportunity to begin this process now, the only question that remains is, will they? I’m doubtful.

“Stephanopoulos thought he could use me in his shameful attempt to damage President Trump. It didn’t work because I wouldn’t fall for it. President Trump will always fight for the truth. And so will I. All are on notice now.

“Stephanopoulos’ tenure at ABC News is a stain on the profession of journalism. He’s not fit to hold a microphone, let alone pose as a beacon of truth.”
